ApisProtect & OpenHive

We are really excited to be working with ApisProtect this year. They recently launched a hobbyist version of their bee monitoring technology here in Ireland and we’ve bought a number of them for some of our apiaries. This sort of technology is really interesting for us and we’re very much looking forward to getting it in our hands and in turn, into our hives!

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Who or what is ApisProtect?

ApisProtect is inspired by proven research from academia. In 2013 Fiona Edwards Murphy began her doctoral research into the application of sensors and networking in honey bee hives. The project received international recognition, including at least 8 academic publications, awards from the Irish Research Council, the IEEE, IBM, The Irish Laboratory Awards, and Google, as well as extensive international media attention. Most recently awarded the Sodexo WMB Female Newcomer Award 2018.

Following this project, ApisProtect has been formed, moving the use of technology in beehives into the commercial sphere, to provide insight for beekeepers to prevent losses and increase productivity. The team behind ApisProtect has the diverse background required to succeed in this space, including decades of engineering, scientific, beekeeping, and commercial experience.

If you’d like to learn more about them you can watch their CEO Dr Fiona Edwards Murphy on the BBC World News documentary Follow The Food here: https://www.bbc.com/future/bespoke/follow-the-food/the-farms-being-run-from-space/

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