Girl Next Door Honey

Girl Next Door Honey is a website run by a beekeeper in San Diego, USA called Hilary Kearney. It’s an informative, well laid-out and has a brilliant blog attached to it called Beekeeping Like A Girl. We’ve found many fascinating articles and excellent photographs all across the site, blog and Instagram handle. Some of it is advice, other articles are opinion pieces - there is plenty of content for all standards of beekeepers. Of particular fun, especially for beginners, are the Queen Spotting photographs (see below) where Hilary asks you to find the Queen in a picture taken from one of her hives. There is also a shop with books, posters, bee suits and fun items like stickers and magnets. Well worth a gander!


Here are the various links you need:


Instagram account:


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(Photos courtesy of the website and Instagram account of Hilary Kearney)