Curated European Honeys

As part of one of our broader goals of education we want to share with Irish honey consumers tastes from further afield. We’d like to invite you to come with us on a voyage of discovery as we present to you various exceptional honeys from different corners of the continent of Europe. After a long, and very tasty, selection process we have handpicked a small group of honeys to share with you. We will release them one by one with details about the beekeepers involved, about the bees who make the honey, about the areas that the bees forage in and more. 

We are passionate about transparency, local produce and showing you a clear line between you the consumer and the beekeeper who makes the honey in the jar in front of you. We will not blend the honeys or add anything to the honey. It is pure honey straight from the beehives. 

The sale of these European honeys will be used to fund our native Irish bee conservation program, which includes a native Irish bee queen rearing program and building more apiaries full of Apis Mellifera Mellifera black Irish bees. 



The first honey of OpenHive’s curated European honey is a Forest Honey from from Nižná, in northern Slovakia. 

Produced by a local beekeeper called Pavel Kozacik, this honey is a rich dark honey with an intense, fruity and spicy taste to it. Pavel has decades of experience keeping bees and is well known locally for this expertise and the high quality of his produce. The majority of Slovakian bees are from the Carniolan race - Apis Mellifera Carnica, known for their productivity and ability to forage in lower temperatures.

This honey (pictured below during the jarring process) will be on sale via our website later this week.
