We are often asked for advice about starting off as a beekeeper. We always give the same kind of answer, with STEP ONE being the most important of all, but thought it might be nice to put up a blog post about it. Hopefully this will help you on your journey!
STEP ONE: Find your local beekeeping association and join up! Why? Well, it is through the association that you will meet people, learn more and find all the information you need. As well as that, your membership fee will give you all sorts of useful benefits - insurance, membership to your national association (FIBKA), access to monthly beekeeping magazines, deals on equipment, access to queen breeders/nuc sellers and much more. As well as that, it supports the community you are looking to be a part of.
STEP TWO: Do a beekeeping course. Start with a basic beginner course and if you enjoy it you can move on to the more serious courses at a later date. Buy books and start reading about bees!
STEP THREE: Visit an apiary and get a feel for being near bees. Maybe join in on an inspection with a local beekeeper. It’s important to know what it is like to be around bees before you start.
STEP FOUR: If you are certain you are going to get bees and start beekeeping go through our “the basics” checklist:
Do you have an appropriate place to keep hives?
Can you afford the time and money you will need to invest in the hobby/skill?
Are you buying your bees from a reputable source? There is a list of well known and trustworthy sellers on the FIBKA website in the member section - once you’re a member).
Are you supporting Irish beekeeping shops? (list below!)
When you start, we advise to start with two colonies side by side. You can correct any issues from one with the other. It also helps to show if something is out of kilter if you have a comparison!
STEP FIVE: Always ask your mentor/local beekeeper friends for help. Everyone learned their trade from somebody else - the beekeeping community is a friendly one built on shared information. Someday you too will be able to share your knowledge.
STEP SIX: Always listen to the experts!
We are learning from those around us on a daily basis. The world of beekeeping is huge - there is way more to know that any one person can take in. Keep your mind open and absorb all the knowledge available to you. There should be more than enough to keep you interested!
STEP SEVEN: Enjoy! It is a lifelong skill that will bring you so much pleasure and learning. There will be tough times as well but they come with all hobbies and passions. Have fun and be safe!
We use the following suppliers for all our equipment:
Donegal Bees - https://www.donegalbees.ie/
Dingle Beekeeping Supplies - https://irishbeehives.com/
Bee Supplies - https://beesupplies.ie/
You can find all the information you need on the FIBKA (Irish Beekeepers Association) website here: https://irishbeekeeping.ie/
FYI - we are all paid up members of the County Dublin Beekeeper’s Association. You can visit their Facebook page and website if you like!