OpenHive Partnership Programme: Opinions

Opinions are one of our latest hive partners. We are delighted to welcome these new partners and look forward to bringing them to meet their hive in the coming months.

What do they do?
'Put simply, we do what it takes to resolve your business challenges or fill gaps in consumer, customer or social understanding.

With a toolkit that covers all types of research; quantitative and qualitative, and a highly experienced consulting team they go beyond the data to bring strategic clarity and confidence. 

Their impact on sustainability.
Last year they invested to achieve a verified Net Zero in 2022.  They implemented a number of initiatives underpinning this endeavour including travel and commuting support for staff, office and energy-based efficiencies.  However, they also completed 'Opinion’s native Irish tree planting programme' delivered in partnership with Hometree that saw them planting over 1,000 native trees last year in West Clare.  

Get in touch
We look forward to building our relationship with like minded partners. Get in touch with us to find out more. 

We can tailor our offering to help your companies achieve their Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) goals or fulfil their Corporate Social Responsibilities. Help us to conserve our native Irish honey bee. Read more here: OpenHive Partnership.