Recipe Corner: Honey Glazed Halloumi

A tasty, straightforward and healthy recipe with honey at it’s heart!


  • 600g of halloumi cheese

  • 5 tablespoons of OpenHive honey

  • 1 medium lemon

  • 4 sprigs of thyme

  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil


  • Slice the halloumi in 1cm thick pieces

  • In a small bowl, add the honey, the juice of the lemon and the thyme leaves. Mix well.

  • Add one layer of halloumi slices to an air tight container. Spoon over a layer of the honey lemon dressing. Add another layer of halloumi on top, add dressing - repeating until all the cheese has been added. Pour over any remaining dressing.

  • Place the container in the fridge to marinate for as long as you can - a minimum of one hour. Overnight if possible!

  • Every now and then, turn the container upside down so the dressing can marinate and coat the cheese on all sides.

  • Heat some of the olive oil in a pan on medium heat. Once heated, gently place some of the halloumi cheese in the pan. Don't overcrowd the pan or have the pieces of halloumi touching.

  • After 2-3 minutes - when you have a nice sear, turn the cheese around. After another minute, add a few spoons of the dressing to glaze the cheese. Once the second side has seared, remove from the pan and add to a plate.

  • Keep repeating this process until all cheese is cooked.

  • Upon serving, add a few more spoons of the honey dressing to coat the cheese, then dig in and enjoy!

Recipe & Photo Credit: Cooking with Ayeh